3 day of hell, seriously

Thursday  afternoon at work, I emailed my husband and wrote, “I’m super happy!  I’m so excited for the harvest on Saturday!”  I was bouncing off the walls with joy.  Within 2 hours of writing that, I was driving home feeling bad stomach cramps.  I chalked it up to nerves.  Then, when I was cooking dinner, I leaned over the sink and threw up.  Not once, not twice, but about 6 times.  My husband was out running (he’s training for an ironman in May), and my stepdaughter ran into the kitchen and grabbed the phone to call 911.  Super cute.  I told her I was fine– just had to “empty” my stomach– so don’t call 911.

Husband came home, and I said I was just nervous and excited. I’m fine.  Wrong.  I continued vomiting for the next 18 hours.  All through the night.  Plus diarrhea.  Non-stop fluid exploding EVERYWHERE.  All over the living room floor (thank heavens for hardwood floors).  Then the aches came.  Keep in mind, this was all happening with swollen ovaries.  Delightful. Then I broke down and cried, because I had a fever of 100.8.  The Dr. said no harvesting if I had a fever.  I cried and cried. I didn’t sleep one bit Thursday night.  Then my fever broke, and I went into the clinic for IVs in the morning.  I have never been poked so much in my life with needles– they had a difficult time trying to find a vein because I was do dehydrated.  After 2 bags of fluid and anti-nausea medicine, I left the clinic feeling a bit better.  But the diarrhea didn’t stop.  It continued violently.  The next day (Saturday), we still proceeded with harvesting.  We won’t know the results until tomorrow– if the eggs are fertilized or even if they survived my violent vomiting and diarrhea.  I’m typing this with such a heavy heart…..

I only got up 3 times last night with diarrhea, but, of course, I haven’t eaten ANYTHING since Thursday morning.   Gatorade is my best friend now.  Jamba Juice is my second best friend.  My stepdaughter (8 years old) and I have watched, no lie, over 8 movies in the past two days– 17 Again (3 times), The Prince and Me, Inkheart (2 times), Mama Mia, Hanna Montana (I had to watch that one on Percocet), to only name a few.  Thank heavens for my cute daughter.

Bottomline.  I still have horrible diarrhea.  I haven’t eaten a full meal since Wednesday night.  I’m dehydrated. I can’t stand up for long.  I’m weak.  My ovaries are super sensitive from the harvesting.  I’ve lost almost 5 pounds in 3 days.  I find out tomorrow how my eggs are.  We will have transfer day either Tuesday or Thursday.  Let’s hope Thursday, just so maybe I can get better.  For right now, I’m feeling like crap.  (curtailing my profanity).  I can’t stop crying….

1 Comment

  1. T said,

    January 11, 2010 at 3:05 pm

    I feel so bad for you. Can it be postponed? Perhaps you can freeze the embryos for a month. I only say this because I went through a similar experience with my last IVF. Looking back I wish I had postponed it. With me, my illness got worse. Yours might be just about over. I’m going to reluctantly say that the doctor knows best. I hope. I wasn’t so sure about mine. She seemed good, but I had very little to compare her to.

    Rest is really important right now. Your supposed to be relaxed. Easier said than done. Try to take it easy and reassess the situation Tues. This really sucks for you. I’m so sorry.


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